The Grandmas' Guide to Good Government



Through our grandparents we receive God’s gifts of love, kindness, wisdom and understanding.

charming framed saying (and a true one, at least in their case) that I bought for my beloved grandparents at a craft fair in Ohio, many years ago


Thus begins my shiny new website dedicated to my dear grandparents, and grandparents everywhere who wish they could knock some sense into us without breaking our heads.
Because they are far too kind for that.


A little Irish Lullaby for my dear grandparents

I was blessed with the most wonderful grandparents in the world, in my humble opinion. This is for them in loving memory,  with special thanks to Gram, who taught me this song rocking me to sleep in the old rocker by the sun porch door. And who, by the way, would never be critical of my less than perfect singing voice.




Did your grandparents wear purple, or red hats that didn't suit them and terrible shirts? Probably not, eh? Mine didn't either for the most part. Oh, maybe the occasional purple, but very few ugly hats or shirts. Brandy and spitting were pretty well out of the question too. Still they were charming and fun, and so is this famous poem by Jenny Joseph. And lucky for us, a nice lady named Lucie has acted it out beautifully and kindly posted it on YouTube so I believe I'll share it with you anyway. Here you go...


YouTube video by ProjectLifesize. Thanks. Lucie!


Calling all grandparents!

OK, that's enough fun for now. More later, but first it's time to get down to business because the real purpose of this website is not so much fun with Grands but finding a way to follow their inspiration and honor their memory by looking beyond our differences, whether petty or substantial, and putting on our thinking caps to come up with some solutions that will get us out of this handbasket before it's too late to escape the ugly consequences. Do grandparents worry? Sure they do; it's their job. But they don't just sit around and fret about what the world's coming to; they do something. Because regardless of what color the're wearing or how much brandy and pickle they're consuming, grandparents take their responsibilities to leave a better world behind very seriously, and would be the first to pitch in and do their part to straighten up this mess. Do we want to disappoint them by not giving it our best shot? Of course not! We're the grandparents now, so let's get busy. Click on that Serious Business tab up there and we'll get started together.


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